
This page is reserved for use by the WWLSC Committee. If you arrive here by mistake please advise webmaster


Stuart Earl (Chairman) Stefan Leonard (Deputy Chairman) Dave Slape (Secretary) Carol Randall (Treasurer)

Peter Woodifield (Travel Secretary), Roy Eagles (Entertainments), Steve Ray (Newsletter) Leo Mastbraker (Minutes Secretary)


Stan Armett, Matthew Hawthorne,  Robert Goddard, Peter Bartlett (Website)


We will publish committee meeting minutes here and other committee only information

Meeting: click to access

Saturday January 11th 2014


                                     Lych Gates Tavern, Queen Square , Wolverhampton.

Attending: S Earl, P Woodifield, C Randall,S Ray, R Eagles, S Armett and D Slape.

Apologies:P Bartlett, L Masters, R Goddard M Hawthorne and S Leonard.

Chairman: Stuart said he had heard nothing from EXPRO, regarding the Doog  DVD’s. Also, He had earmarked three dates in 2016, for the 50th  Anniversary , at Charlton. He added That the function room might not be big enough for the many indicating  attendance.

Secretary: Dave stated that membership stood at 126 plus, 76 from December12-July 13. Subscriptions paid in total £1801 .  The Goalden  Gate lottery has raised £336.50 plus £50 [paid in today].

Treasurer:Carol was still waiting for banking paperwork from  Tim. Stuart will e mail him.  Carol  proposed a Subscription  increase at the AGM .  It was thought a £2 rise. She also Suggested a fund raising event in the summer. David Hodges has access to the Market Porter pub free of charge  and could organise a disco. Also, the Club need a debit  card  As Peter uses his own and is reimbursed. Peter and Carol have heard nothing from Whathouse.

Travel: Peter said that Joe Blackman’s bank transfer had not been received. Match tickets And travel are  going well. Also, thanks to Roy ,for his hospitality  at Shrewsbury.

Magazine:Steve stated the magazine is being created for proof reading. Also,  articlesare needed for now and the future.

Website: £110 has been raised through advertising  but a software problem has caused pages to go missing.

Entertainment: Roy was very pleased with the Blue Brick,for the Christmas party. The food And the guests were execellent.Also, The Club  earned 8300  points,or £80 on a Blue Brick Loyalty card. Also, it would be good to hold future meetings there and also use the bar at Other  times. Steve asked if the loyalty card could be left behind the bar and Carol said she  would ask  at the Blue Brick. Roy thanked Dave and Peter Bartlett for their help.

Any Other Business:   Stuart said members were asking what some committee members do, when they have no designated job.

Roy asked if Papal (?PayPal) would benefit the Club  but Steve advised against, citing cost. Peter said Peter Bartlett’s e mail advertising  a meal  at SteveBull’s restaurant,followed by horse racing  , before the Walsall match. Carol said this would show the Club supporting  Bull’s charity, as we did Jody Craddock’s.


                              The Grain Store ,King Street, Wolverhampton

Attending: S Earl, P Woodifield. C Randall, S Armett, R Eagles, S Leonard, P Bartlett , R Goddard And D Slape.

Apologies: L Masters, S Ray and M Hawthorne.

Chairman:  Stuart welcomed the new Treasurer, Carol and thanked those attending. He said a Letter had been received from EXPRO’s  solicitors ,by e mail,giving two weeks notice of action.  This could possibly be at waiting for him at home.Also, the company account s had been  Received   and filed. Steve Ray  had requested assistance  with the magazine  match reports Incurring payment of £30 which, was agreed.

Secretary: Dave reported a membership of 84 but omitted those from  September 2012 to July 2013. Subscriptions paid in totalled £982 plus £173-50 for the Goalden Gate Draw. He thanked  Robert for producing the membership cards.

Treasurer: Carol stated deposits for  the Christmas Party and 50th  Anniversary, should be Non refundable.Also,  we should be raising finance for the 50th do soon, in 2014. Stuart agreed and said it was inhand.

Travel: Peter said travel was running smoothly and all match tickets were obtained except, for the  Shrewsbury match. Only one person owes money from last season.

Newsletter: Stefan is liaising  with Steve regarding new ideas and taking over  editing.

Website: Peter  stated there was a  £41-20 papal  for a sponsored page on the website. Regarding the questionnaire of away fans, there is still time . Peter to send a link with  the Arsenal Reserves information.

Entertainment:  Roy had  booked 12 for tonight’s race meeting but only 8 are attending. It was decided to pursue the cancelations and reimbuse Roy . Regarding  the Christmas Party, Roy had asked for prices at The Grain Store  and will look at a restaurant nearby. Jason Guy has stated Jody Craddock can attend. Also, there will be no deposits taken.

Any Other Business: The sponsorship for Wolves Women has not been paid and Dave  will follow up with Jenny Wilkes on Monday.

Carol showed the committee a credit card holder which, could be engraved for the 50th Anniversary,at cost of £5 each.  The committee agreed it was definitely   worth a thought                                                                    

Peter [Woodifield]  stated a Whathouse rep  was on the train and they could possibly Sponsor a London Wolves leisure  shirt T he rep will  contact him or the website address.

Meeting Closed at 1-45.

Feb2013 ??






MEETNG: Stuart opened meeting at 1935 pm.

Stuart asked if everybody had received " e" mails and read them regarding Mr O'Connor and Mr B. Baker so that time could be saved, everyone had received them. Stuart thanked Mr B Baker for turning up and explained that Mr P O'Connor was unable to do so as he was working late and flying to the USA early morning. Barry Baker admitted it was the wrong thing to do after a few pints, but that Phil O'Connor had never accepted him as a London Wolves member again. Barry said he remembers the incident differently, but if Peter and Dave say different, then he must agree with what happened. A discussion followed with Barry stating his points and the committee responding. Rule 5 was read out to Barry and explained that it made no difference if he travelled on his own as he was still a member and had to behave as per rule 5. Barry was asked to leave the room while the committee discussed the matter further. After further discussion the committee agreed that Barry Baker was in breach of rule 5 and that he would serve a six month ban and a warning as to his future conduct. Barry Baker was informed of this in person and accepted the committee's decision.


SECRETARY’S REPORT: Dave stated that there were 157 members and 82 from last year making a total of 239.

Sales bought in £16.83p. We had 66 of Ivan's shirts, but up to present we have only sold three. Subs bought in £1922.


TRAVEL SECRETARY: Peter was hoping to book earlier and later trains due to ticket prices. Peter has managed to get cheap deals for

the games with Newcastle and Norwich City. Peter also pointed out

that all ticket requests had been met. We will be renewing club S/TS

on the early bird.


TREASURERS REPORT: Unfortunately Tim was unable to attend, but Peter pointed out that in our current account we had £6086.80p up to January.


NEWSLETTER: Stefan stated that he and Stuart had decided that a double page edition would do and a full newsletter would be issued at the end of the season. ALP our printers have closed down. Stef and Steve Ray will liaise over the magazine. If Stef can get the software Steve will format it and we will find a printer.


WEBSITE: Peter Bartlett said he has had an enquiry from Terrace Voice regarding London Wolves fans input. This can be sent out to anyone subscribing who has an internet phone. The cost is £1.99p per month from March this year till end of next season. It was agreed we should give it a try.


ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Stuart said we keep getting letters from a solicitor regarding the Doogs Video. Stuart dealt with the last of these regarding money allegedly owed to XPRO . Since then Stuart said that the Xpro charity has been removed from the Doogs list. They have also sent a letter to Stan Armett who immediately passed the letter over to Stuart. These letters have been signed by a clerk not the solicitor. This guy is not a solicitor but almost. It was agreed that if Bob and his people from PRO keep on , we should send them a donation of lp as no specific amount was ever mentioned.


Because of the departure of Mick McCarthy we are still in Limbo regarding meet the players. Please keep an eye on the website for any further details.Peter said London Wolves are sponsoring Dorius DeVrius.


It was arranged that Stuart will send out a letter to every member reminding them of what is acceptable behaviour from members on train trips.

The meeting was closed at 21.22pm

COMMITTEE MEETING 3/3/2009 Railway Telegaph ,Thornton Heath.

COMMITTEE; S Earl, P Woodifield, S Leonard, S Ray D Slape, B Goddard, P Bartlett and S Armett.


CHAIRMAN; Stuart advised three of five Wolves Greats posters had been sold, at £250 each. The only signatures still to be obtained are Bert Williams and Bill Slater.Also, an e mail regarding a supporters website had been circularised. Peter Bartlett said the website advertising benefits.

SECRETARY; Dave stated membership stood at 146 plus 85 from last season.Subscriptions totalled £2016 plus £37 in donations.

On the sales side , Derek Dougan books ,dvd's and poster had raised £230, £30 and £20 respectively.Other sales and the train competions £21.50 and £74 (£54 and £20).

TRAVEL;Peter advised Virgin train times had been cut to 1.75 hours but fares had risen by £4 to £20. Three Early Bird season tickets had been purchased and the other four will be bought next week.On average 40 members travel to home matches.

TREASURER; Peter stated £6511.74 was in the HSBC account , although £1900 will be spent on the four season tickets.

MAGAZINE; Stefan apologised for the errors in the December magazine. Regarding Roy Swinbourne, Stefan and Stuart both wrote to Peter Creed and Stuart to Bill Slater.Stefan praised Steve for his match reports and Peter Bartlett for statistics.

WEBSITE; Peter said he was unable to update the website so often, due to work commitments.

The player of the year award should be collated by the Nottingham Forrest game for a Q P R presentation.He mentioned forthcoming Player of the Year dinner and Sponsors lunch. The former being overpriced and at Telford and the sponsors lunch could be offered to members at £35.and is to be held at Compton.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS; It was suggested by Jack Leonard that Robert Plant be offered honorary membership.The motion was carried.

Member Roy Eagles has arranged greyhound evening for the night before the Doncaster match.

Peter Bartlett has spoken to Merlyn regarding the Derek Dougan statue.




S Earl, S Leonard, P Woodifield, R Goddard, P Bartlett, D Slape, T Richard, S Armett, S Ray, M Hawthorne


S Knapp, L Master


 Stuart thanked Stefan for hosting the meeting.  The last committee meeting was a year ago but most of the committee had met in the City Bar recently.  Thanks also to Stefan for the December Magazine for which many favourable comments have been received.  Stuart congratulated Peter Bartlett on the Doog DVD on which he has spent many hours.  There has been a meeting with Rachael Heyhoe Flint regarding a Doog statue, possibly in a future garden.

Minutes of previous meeting:

No comments.


Dave reported 121 members in 2007-8 plus 134 from last year.   Subscriptions paid to date £1602 plus £4 donations.


Tim stated that the deposit account stood at £2085-28 and the current account between £4000 and £5000.


Peter reported a profit of £372-40 on club trips.  Fares have increased by £1 to £17;  this is the first increase for five years. Ticket debts have been reduced leaving £40.

Travel insurance:  it was decided not to pursue in view of cost.


Sarah is to resign due to work commitments. 


Stefan thanked Steve for all his work on the magazine.  The Doog section was particularly well received and Merlyn phoned Stef to thank him.


Peter reported that the change in website server was due to a £50 discrepancy.  The new server incorporated all email addresses.

Unforgettable Doog DVD

Peter stated £2250 received with £2200 invoiced from the DVD.  The last batch of 1000 cost less than £1 each to produce with a sell out price of £6.50 to £10.  London Wolves will take £1 a copy for the work involved and the remainder of the profits are for Xpro, Doog's charity.  We have around 800 in stock out of 1800 produced at a total cost of £2900.  Doug Hope has underwritten the cost of the DVDs.  HMV and W H Smith are selling the DVD and the Wolves Club Shop will as of the 18th.

Any Other Business

A complaint has been received from Phil O'Connor concerning Barry Baker at QPR.  It was decided Dave to speak with Barry and Stuart with Phil.

The Wolves in Pictures competition was won by George Sinagra in Malta and Tom in Oz.

The Fans' Parliament has no London Wolves Committee member on it, although we are represented by Chris Cox or Jim Heath.  Tim volunteered (when Parliament expands)

Regarding end of season "Meet the Players", Stefan said the Friday before Charlton at the Marriott Hotel Bexleyheath was most likely

The latest on the 1921 shirt is that doubts of its authenticity were raised by Graham Hughes, the historian at Molineux


Meeting closed 9:51pm



PRESENT: S.Earl. P. Woodifield. D.Slape. S.Armett. S.Ray. S Knapp. M.Hawthorne. P .Bartlett. S.Leonard. L.Masters

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Bob Goddard. Tim Richards

The chairman opened the meeting at 19.55 and welcomed everybody to the first meeting in the new year. Hopefully everybody had received the minutes of the last meeting and had read them.

MATTERS ARISING: Stuart said that at the last meeting Stan had raised the matter about Cardiff fans being barred from Wolves. Stuart pointed out that he had not had any response from Jez Moxey. Stan said be had e mail from Jez and it virtually read that the decision bad been made and will not be changed. Stuart also bought up the fact that the London Underground Wolves issue still bad not been resolved. but B.Baker has informed us that has sent an email to stop this. We feel that the delay might be down to Jason their printer and Stuart will speak to B.Baker again.

It was pointed out that the Wolves shirt we have is a 1921 issue not a 1908 as first thought. Stan also asked if we had resolved the issue of our bank statements still going to D. Hodges. Stuart said be thinks they are going to Tim. but unfortunately' be is not here to confirm this.

SECRETARIES REPORT: Dave asked to be put on record that contrary to reports he is not topping himself, duly noted.  David said that the membership stood at 125 plus 142 from last season. We have paid in £1550 up  to the 20th January 2007. Peter said that we have banked £207 for the I.. Cartwright collection fund and that there should be another £25 to go in.

There were no questions for the secretary .

TRAVEL SECRETARIES REPORT: We have made £15 profit from travel. but when some outstanding monies are collected .it should be about £I5O -£200 .There were a few booking problems with Virgin over the Christmas and new year period but apart from that it has been O.K. We have had no problem obtaining match tickets.

There were no questions for the travel secretary

TREASURERS REPORT: The treasurer bas not turned up and there are no figures available at present.

SOCIAL SECRET ARIES REPORT: Sarah stated that she is happy to be on the committee ,but pointed out that she has not bad a lot to do at present as Stefan was arranging the meet the players do.  Sarah said she would try and arrange an evening at the greyhounds. Wimbledon seemed a likely venue. Once again Sarah pointed out that she is very happy to be involved with London Wolves and would do her very best


NEWSLETTER: It was pointed out that most of the members get their information by email and the few that do not. hav'e it printed out and sent to them.

Any Questions. David said that he bad rung the Pied Bull regarding meet the players and the new landlord said there should not be any problems. David said he would check about the parking for the  coach.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Sarah thanked the committee for the flowers that were sent to her regarding her operation. she said they were MEGA Stuart pointed out that he had a call from D. Dougan regarding the Ian Cartwright benefit fund. Stuart was asked to put a proposal to the committee that if we take two tables ( i.e.) 5 members and 5 former players at each table, he will let us have any remaining prints and memorabilia be has left to sell of to our members, or on E Bay whichever the committee decide and keep the takings. It would mean the club paying the £1000 up front and the money would be retrieved later with the sales. Sarah asked proposed taking it out of  the High Interest Account and paying it back in as the money comes in.  It was also pointed out that this would be good publicity for London Wolves. This was agreed by the committee. Leo pointed out that the London Wolves Website was brill Well done Peter Bartlett. Stuart received an email from Bill Singleton proposing that K.Earl be allowed to apply for membership to London Wolves again. It was pointed out by Stefan. that of the two parties that caused havoc at the pied bull, one had been reinstated. so the other should be allowed to apply for membership. The proposal was seconded by S. Leonard and the voting was unanimous in favour of the proposal.  Sarah asked if there was a date in mind for the next meeting.  Stuart said he would discuss this with the new landlord and if we had to change our day to Tuesday would it be alright. Everyone agreed. Sarah also suggested having the meetings in the Glasshouse. This would be

discussed. There being no other business the chairman closed the meeting at 21.20.



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