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The venue for the next AGM will be published in the Events Diary here

For details of previous AGMs including minutes please click here

You will need to login first, or be redirected to login.

The committee is put up for re-election at each AGM.  For the current membership please see the contacts page here For details of current membership fees click here


n.b.: THE CLUB’S RULES MAY BE AMENDED AT AN AGM or an EGM (see rule 37); These rules were passed by the membership at the Annual General Meeting 16th July 2005.



1. The Club shall be called the Wolverhampton Wanderers London Supporters Club (hereinafter called W.W.L.S.C./The Club). It's object is to provide cheaper, organised travel to matches, social activities and where possible match tickets.

2. W.W.L.S.C. shall have full power to do all things necessary or expedient for the accomplishment of objects specified in its rules.


3. Membership shall be at the discretion of the committee.

4. To gain membership, a candidate must sign an application for membership and deposit the full amount payable. Every member on admission shall be supplied with a copy of these rules, and by accepting membership will acknowledge the rules, and agree to honour them.

5. Every member accepts that they will act in a manner that will not bring the good name or well being of The Club into disrepute.

6. Every member shall pay personally into the funds of W.W.L.S.C. a subscription, decided annually at the A.G.M., which shall become payable on the anniversary of the member joining The Club.

7. The Club shall keep a register of  members held by The Secretary, containing the following particulars:

Breach of Rules

8. The Committee shall have the power to reprimand, suspend or expel any member who shall infringe any rules of The Club, or whose conduct on Club trips or functions, shall, in the opinion of The Committee, render him/her unfit for membership.

9. The member shall be advised in writing of the decision or proposal for reprimand, suspension or expulsion and will then have 14 days to inform the Secretary of his/her intent to appeal.  The member shall then be given the opportunity to make a statement in person or in writing to The Committee in mitigation or defence for consideration by the Committee within 45 days. No refund of any membership fees shall be made for suspension or expulsion and any amounts due to the Club from the member shall be repaid immediately.


10. All disputes between a member and an officer of the Club, shall, unless The Committee elects to refer the matter to a General Meeting, be settled by The Committee. The decision of The Committee shall be final.

11. A suspended or expelled member has the right to appeal for his/her case to be reviewed by the full membership if he or she believes that the expulsion or suspension was made in contravention of these rules.  This review may be at an EGM or AGM properly called under these rules or by a full vote of members.  Members must be given a one page (maximum) case from the appellate and the Committee’s one page response to this.  If appropriate the relevant minutes from the expulsion/suspension meeting may be attached.  This documentation must be provided to members at least 14 days before the meeting/vote by the Secretary.


12. The Club will hold an Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.), in July or August on a date decided by The Committee, and at least fourteen (14) days notice of the meeting shall be given. The business of the A.G.M. shall be to receive the balance sheet, and to consider any business as submitted by The Committee, or by any motion to be proposed by a member, and for The Committee to present a report for the year.

13. Any member wishing to propose a motion must do so in writing to The Chairman at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. 

Extraordinary or Special General Meeting (E.G.M.)

14. A Special Meeting (E.G.M.) may be called in the following cases:

15. Any E.G.M. shall be held within not less than twenty-eight (28) days, and not more than,  forty five (45) days from the receipt, by The Secretary, of the requisition. The Secretary shall send details of the venue, a copy of the wording of the requisition requesting the E.G.M. and, if appropriate, a recommendation or comment from the committee to the membership related to the requisition.  The resolution or motion should also be stated.

16 An E.G.M. need not be called if the request is received less than two months before but more than 10 days before the date of the A.G.M. and the subject shall be included on the A.G.M. agenda and related documentation distributed with the notice of the A.G.M.

17. No business other than that named shall be dealt with at the E.G.M


18. A General Meeting may proceed to business if ten (10) members are present within Thirty (30) minutes of the stated time of that meeting.

19. Any A.G.M. or E.G.M. duly constituted, may adjourn to such time as the members present direct, and may continue any adjournment from time to time. No business shall be brought on at any adjourned meeting, which could .not have been transacted at the original meeting.


20. Each fully paid up member present at a meeting shall be entitled to one (1) vote.

21.  At the discretion of the Committee, a subject requiring a membership vote may be handled by proxy vote. Each full paid up member of the Club shall be entitled to one vote only, either by proxy or by voting in person at a General Meeting.  Proxy voting may also be used outside of General Meetings on other items of importance at the discretion of the Committee.  Proxy authorization must be in writing (verbal proxy is not permitted) by the person(s) allowing proxy vote. The authorization must be dated, signed, and state what the proxy is for and for which specific meeting or resolution the proxy is valid.

22.  In circumstances where the Committee wish to poll members’ opinions this may be done,  but this does not constitute a vote as understood by these rules.

23. A copy of the minutes of every General Meeting shall be given to every member including a balance sheet.


24. The Committee shall consist of a Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Travel Secretary Newsletter Editor, Entertainments Secretary, Minutes Secretary and no less than two (2) OTHER committee Members. (rule amended at AGM 28th July 2007)

25. The Committee shall meet not less than once every four (4) months, and shall have the power to purchase such articles and do such things as is deemed necessary for the carrying out of the objects of The Club.

26. Any member of The Committee who fails to attend three (3) consecutive Committee meetings shall resign from office. The Committee, whose decision shall be final, shall consider any such resignation.

27. Should any Committee Member vacate his/her seat, the vacancy shall be filled by the person  receiving the highest number of votes in the ballot at the previous meeting.

28. The Committee shall have full power to co-opt onto The Committee any person it deems as fit to fulfil any particular duty.

29. The Committee shall have the power to make such by-laws as it may consider necessary for the good government of W.W.L.S.C., and a copy of all such by-laws shall be published in the next edition of the newsletter.

30. No officer of The Club shall by virtue of his/her appointment have power to order goods, or dispose of  Club funds. No goods or  labour shall be supplied, nor any contract entered into for work to be done for The Club, nor any office of salary, profit or remuneration, held by any Committee Member, nor shall any honoraria be paid to any Committee Members, unless authorised at a General Meeting.

31. The Committee may invest funds of The Club at such rates of interest and on such terms as they see fit.

32 The funds of the club shall be lodged at a bank and/or Building Society, and all withdrawals and transactions through the accounts shall be signed by any two of the following :- Secretary, Travel Secretary and Treasurer.


Election of Officers

33. Committee members and committee officers should submit themselves for election or re-election at the A.G.M.  including those previously co-opted by the committee. 

34.Any member may submit themselves for election to the committee for a particular position but must declare this no later than June 1st preceding the A.G.M. in writing to the secretary, and to include with this letters of support from a proposing member and a seconding member.

If a vacancy on the committee or of an officer occurs between June 1st and the AGM the Committee may use it’s powers of secondment to fill the position until the A.G.M. when that position may be opened up for nominations.


35. Any member may, at all reasonable times, request an inspection of The Club accounts.

36 Life membership of W.W.L.S.C. shall be at the discretion of an A.G.M.

37. These rules may only be amended at an A.G.M. or at an E.G.M. convened for that purpose.